Dating Tips From The 1930s That Still Apply To Millennials

Finding love in the modern world can be a daunting task, but thankfully there are some timeless dating tips that never go out of style. From being confident in yourself to being a good listener, these age-old pieces of advice can still work wonders in today's dating scene. And if you're looking to dip your toes into the world of online dating, sites like AdultFriendFinder vs Tinder can help you find the perfect match. So remember, whether you're swiping right or meeting someone in person, the fundamentals of dating are always worth keeping in mind.

Dating has changed quite a bit over the past century, but surprisingly, there are some dating tips from the 1930s that are still relevant and useful for millennials today. While the dating scene has evolved with the advent of technology and social media, some timeless advice from the past can still be applied to modern dating. In this article, we will explore some dating tips from the 1930s that still hold true for millennials.

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The Art of Conversation

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One of the most important dating tips from the 1930s that still applies to millennials is the art of conversation. In the 1930s, people relied on face-to-face communication and meaningful conversations to get to know each other. This emphasis on meaningful conversation is still relevant today, especially in the age of texting and social media. Millennials can benefit from putting down their phones and engaging in genuine, thoughtful conversations with their dates. Not only does this show that you are interested in getting to know the other person, but it also helps to foster a deeper connection.

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Dress to Impress

Another timeless dating tip from the 1930s is the importance of dressing to impress. In the 1930s, people put a lot of effort into their appearance when going on a date. While fashion trends have changed over the years, the concept of dressing to impress is still relevant for millennials. Putting effort into your appearance shows that you care about making a good impression and can help boost your confidence. Whether it's a casual coffee date or a fancy dinner, millennials can benefit from dressing in a way that makes them feel confident and attractive.

Respect and Courtesy

Respect and courtesy were highly valued in the 1930s, and these qualities are just as important in modern dating. Treating your date with respect and courtesy shows that you value their time and company. This can include simple gestures like opening doors, being polite, and showing appreciation for your date. In today's fast-paced dating world, it can be easy to overlook these simple acts of kindness, but they can go a long way in making a positive impression.

Planning and Etiquette

In the 1930s, dating often involved careful planning and adherence to etiquette. While modern dating may be more spontaneous and casual, there is still value in planning and adhering to etiquette. Planning a thoughtful date shows that you have put effort into making the experience special, and following basic etiquette demonstrates good manners and consideration for your date. Whether it's choosing a unique date idea or simply arriving on time, millennials can benefit from incorporating some of the planning and etiquette principles from the 1930s into their dating lives.

Quality Over Quantity

In the 1930s, dating was often focused on finding a long-term partner rather than casual flings. This emphasis on quality over quantity is a valuable lesson that millennials can apply to their own dating lives. With the rise of dating apps and hookup culture, it can be easy to get caught up in the pursuit of quantity over quality. However, taking the time to focus on meaningful connections and potential long-term relationships can lead to more fulfilling and meaningful dating experiences.


While dating has certainly evolved over the past century, there are still valuable lessons that can be learned from the dating tips of the 1930s. The art of conversation, dressing to impress, respect and courtesy, planning and etiquette, and the emphasis on quality over quantity are all timeless principles that can benefit millennials in their dating lives. By incorporating some of these timeless dating tips into their modern dating approach, millennials can cultivate more meaningful and fulfilling relationships. As the saying goes, "everything old is new again," and that certainly holds true for dating tips from the 1930s.